
The Angels Wings Foundation has Launched its Third Round of Scholarships

The Angels Wings Foundation has launched its third round of scholarships and have expanded its Angels Wings Thai Scholarship initiative to include the entire West Coast region.

This is the third year of the program, which launched in Los Angeles in 2017 to provide assistance, opportunity and hope to rising college students of Thai ancestry. 

As a reminder, the Eligibility Requirements for the scholarship are that each applicant must:

  • Be a student of Thai heritage
  • Be a graduating high school senior 
  • Be a Resident of the West Coast region of these United States
  • Be entering an accredited college or university for the 2019-2020 school year
  • Have an un-weighted accumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better
  • Demonstrate their aspiration through a written essay focused on the “Scholarship Purpose”

The best resource is their website,, which is where you will find all information about the scholarship program, a short video about the program, and the actual scholarship application.  Please click here for the direct link to the scholarship page. 

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