
Filipino American History Month

Before the month of October comes to an end which is Filipino American History Month, Thai CDC Executive Director, Chancee Martorell, was able to commemorate the occasion by being on a panel about Thai Town as part of the Asian Americans in Los Angeles Historic Contexts Community Symposium on October 6, 2018. The symposium was in LA’s Historic Filipinotown at the Filipino Christian Church. In partnership with the City of Los Angeles Office of Historic Resources, the community symposium featured remarks from LA Councilmember David Ryu (first Korean American to serve on Los Angeles City Council), a keynote from longtime community activist and former California State Assemblymember Warren Furutani, a panel discussion with community leaders from LA’s Asian American historic neighborhoods, and breakout sessions with the participating consulting firms. The Filipino Christian Church and City of LA Asian American Historic Contexts are nominated to be considered on the National Register of Historic Places. Both are monumental and Thai CDC is thrilled to support these efforts.

Click on the two links below with more news and photos on the symposium.



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