On Tuesday, June 28th, the new Consul General of Thailand, the Honorable Mr. Tanee Sangrat, paid a visit and his respects to the Thai Community Development Center (Thai CDC) to learn more about the history, mission, and programs and services of Thai CDC. Thai CDC was so honored and privileged to have been able to receive him at our main office located in our affordable housing project, the Halifax, in Hollywood, CA. We have been able to receive Thai Consul Generals in the past each time they assume their post in Los Angeles as Thai CDC has had a long standing relationship with the Royal Thai Consulate on matters that concern the most economically disadvantaged Thais in Southern California.
Consul General Tanee sat down to a meeting with over a dozen of Thai CDC’s staff who introduced themselves to him and described their programs and services. Thai CDC’s Executive Director, Chanchanit Martorell, helped Consul General Tanee understand the history and mission of Thai CDC and the future projects that lie ahead that Thai CDC and his office could work on together for the advancement of the community in the long run. The meeting was so engaging that it ran over two hours.
Consul General Tanee expressed his eagerness to work with Thai CDC to advance the social and material interests of the community.
At the time of his parting from Thai CDC, Thai CDC’s Executive Director presented him with some gifts such as Thai CDC’s Thai Town t-shirt and Martorell’s book, Thais in LA, as a memento to this first introductory meeting.
Thai CDC would like to take this opportunity to formally welcome Consul General Tanee to Los Angeles. We look forward to working with him to improve the quality of life for Thais in Southern California.